Source code for pyriodic.Structure

import collections
import numpy as np

Box = collections.namedtuple('Box', ['Lx', 'Ly', 'Lz', 'xy', 'xz', 'yz'])

def box_to_matrix(box):
    """Converts a box tuple (in [Lx, Ly, Lz, xy, xz, yz] order with HOOMD
    meanings) into a box matrix"""
    (Lx, Ly, Lz, xy, xz, yz) = box
    return np.array([[Lx, xy*Ly, xz*Lz],
                     [0,     Ly, yz*Lz],
                     [0,      0,    Lz]], dtype=np.float64)

def make_fractions(box, positions):
    """Converts a box tuple and positions array into a set of box
    fractions for each position"""
    box = list(box)
    if box[2] == 0:
        box[2] == 1
    boxmat = box_to_matrix(box)
    invbox = np.linalg.inv(boxmat)

    return, positions.T).T + .5

def fractions_to_coordinates(box, fractions):
    """Converts a box tuple and fraction array into a position for each
    given fraction"""
    boxmat = box_to_matrix(box)
    fractions = np.asarray(fractions) - .5

    coordinates = np.sum(
        fractions[:, np.newaxis, :]*boxmat[np.newaxis, :, :], axis=2)
    return coordinates

def replicate(box, positions, nx=1, ny=1, nz=1):
    frac_positions = np.tile(make_fractions(box, positions), (nx, ny, nz, 1, 1))
    frac_positions[:, ..., 0] += np.arange(nx)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
    frac_positions[:, ..., 1] += np.arange(ny)[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
    frac_positions[:, ..., 2] += np.arange(nz)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis]

    frac_positions = frac_positions.reshape((-1, 3))
    frac_positions /= (nx, ny, nz)
    frac_positions -= np.floor(frac_positions)

    box = list(box)
    box[0] *= nx
    box[1] *= ny
    box[2] *= nz

    new_positions = fractions_to_coordinates(box, frac_positions)

    return Box(*box), new_positions

def replicate_upto(box, positions, N_target):
    nbase = int(np.floor((N_target/len(positions))**(1/3)))
    start_boxdims = np.array(box[:3])
    ns = [nbase, nbase, nbase]
    while len(positions)*np.product(ns) < N_target:
        repl_boxdims = start_boxdims*ns
        ns[np.argmin(repl_boxdims)] += 1
    (nx, ny, nz) = ns

    return replicate(box, positions, nx, ny, nz)

def wrap(box, positions):
    fractions = make_fractions(box, positions)
    fractions %= 1.
    return fractions_to_coordinates(box, fractions)

[docs]class Structure: """Container for a single set of coordinates Structure objects hold all of the important quantities for a structural example, like coordinates and the system box. """ __slots__ = ['positions', 'types', 'box'] def __init__(self, positions, types, box): self.positions = np.asarray(positions) self.types = np.asarray(types, dtype=np.uint32) = box assert len(self.positions) == len(self.types) if not isinstance(, Box): = Box(* def __len__(self): return len(self.positions)
[docs] def add_gaussian_noise(self, magnitude): """Add gaussian noise to each particle :param magnitude: Scale of the zero-mean gaussian nose :returns: A new :class:`Structure` with the gaussian noise applied. """ noise = np.random.normal(scale=magnitude, size=self.positions.shape) wrapped_positions = wrap(, self.positions + noise) return Structure(wrapped_positions, self.types,
@property def fractional_coordinates(self): return make_fractions(, self.positions) @classmethod def from_fractional_coordinates(cls, positions, types, box): positions = fractions_to_coordinates(box, positions) return cls(positions, types, box)
[docs] def replicate(self, nx=1, ny=1, nz=1): """Replicate the system a given number of times in each dimension :param nx: Number of times to replicate in the x direction :param ny: Number of times to replicate in the y direction :param nz: Number of times to replicate in the z direction :returns: A new :class:`Structure` that has been replicated appropriately """ (box, positions) = replicate(, self.positions, nx, ny, nz) n_tile = len(positions)//len(self.positions) types = np.tile(self.types, n_tile) return Structure(positions, types, box)
[docs] def replicate_upto(self, N_target): """Replicate the system to have at least a given number of particles Replicas are iteratively added in the shortest dimension of the box until at least `N_target` particles are present. :param N_target: Minimum number of particles to have in the resulting structure :returns: A new :class:`Structure` that has been replicated appropriately """ (box, positions) = replicate_upto(, self.positions, N_target) n_tile = len(positions)//len(self.positions) types = np.tile(self.types, n_tile) return Structure(positions, types, box)
[docs] def rescale_linear(self, factor): """Rescale all distances in the system by the given factor The coordinates and box are scaled by the given factor. :param factor: Number to scale all lengths in the system by :returns: a new :class:`Structure` that has been scaled accordingly """ new_box = [factor*b for b in[:3]] + list([3:]) return Structure(self.positions*factor, self.types, new_box)
[docs] def rescale_number_density(self, phi): """Rescale the system to the given number density The box and all coordinates are scaled by an appropriate factor to produce a box with the given number density (number of particles/volume). :param phi: Number density of the resulting system :returns: a new :class:`Structure` with the given density """ return self.rescale_volume(len(self)/phi)
[docs] def rescale_shortest_distance(self, l): """Rescale the system to have the given shortest distance between points The box and all coordinates are scaled by an appropriate factor to produce a system with the given shortest distance between any two points. This method is currently N^2 in the number of points, but may be improved in the future. :param l: Shortest distance of the resulting system :returns: a new :class:`Structure` with the given shortest distance """ min_r = min(*[:3]) if len(self) > 1: all_rijs = self.positions[:, np.newaxis] - self.positions[np.newaxis, :] all_rijs = wrap(, all_rijs.reshape((-1, 3))) all_rijs = all_rijs.reshape((len(self), len(self), 3)) all_rs = np.linalg.norm(all_rijs, axis=-1) min_r = min(min_r, np.min(all_rs[np.triu_indices(len(self), 1)])) return self.rescale_linear(l/min_r)
[docs] def rescale_volume(self, V): """Rescale the system to the given volume The box and all coordinates are scaled by an appropriate factor to produce a box with the given volume. :param V: Volume of the resulting system :returns: a new :class:`Structure` with the given volume """ current_V = np.abs(np.linalg.det(box_to_matrix( factor = pow(V/current_V, 1./3) return self.rescale_linear(factor)